FileHelp offers you comprehensive assistance concerning the most common problems with files on your computer. If you don’t have a driver for a given device, or a required DLL library, or if you don’t know how to open a file with an unknown extension - you should find a solution to your problem in our system base.
File extensions
File extensions in our base are divided into 27 different categories. You can also browse them alphabetically or using a search engine. At each of the extensions you can find programs for opening and editing the file in any format. Programs are sorted by operating systems.
Drivers are divided by category of devices to which they are dedicated and manufacturers of equipment for which they are intended. If you want to upgrade or install the necessary driver, find it in our database and download it directly from the manufacturer’s site using the link found here.
DLL files
For proper operation of multiple applications on our computer, the files with the DLL (Dynamic Link Library) extension are needed. These libraries are shared by different programs, and the lack of a proper one may cause problems in operation or running the application. If there is a notice on your computer screen about the lack of a particular library, you can search for it now.
File conversions
There is often a situation when we need to open a file, but the programs that support it cannot be installed a your computer (for example, due to the high license price). In this case, the file can be converted into a format that is supported by free software.